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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Review:The Waiting Place by Eileen Button

Received this book for FREE from Thomas Nelson in exchange for a review on my blog.

The Waiting Place is a group of essays that describes some of the great moments that we have to wait for something to happen in our lives. These moments that we have to wait can be some of the best times of our lives, and we can definitely learn from them. Waiting for a while can teach us a lot of things in that can make us appreciate the little things that we have.

I loved this book because Eileen Button went into great detail about all her experiences when she was younger. I definitely thought that I could relate to some of the essays in this book. The essay about one of her grandfather's funeral brought me back to the times when my grandfather use to talk about death. He always talked about how he didn't care how he was buried. It was crazy how her grandfather had everything all planed out and was going to be buried in style. All of the stories were real appealing and interesting. The author left me with a piece their history after I read each essay. I would definitely recommend this book to anybody who needs a great book for read while waiting on something.  Anybody who wants to get a book that will help the reflect on their past should read this book.

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